Terms and Conditions

Hey there – before we can grant you access, you need to agree to a few things.

You have requested access to certain materials, events and/or digital content which are restricted. In order to access and/or attend you agree to the following terms and conditions in addition to our privacy policy.


The requested materials, events and/or email subscriptions are intended only for current and potential customers. You hereby represent that you are a customer or potential customer of Centric Software. Competitors, including their employees and independent contractors, are strictly prohibited from attending such events. You flatter us by trying to learn more about us but we cannot let you for obvious reasons. No copycats allowed!

Event attendance!

If you are signing up for an event, we are holding a spot for you –now you promise to do your very best to attend! If unfortunately something else comes up and you can’t make it, you will try extra hard to let us know by contacting sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

No photography, recording or reproductions

You are not permitted to make audio/visual recordings, photographs of any event (online or in-person), any of our materials whether presented at the event or separately downloaded without our prior written permission. Photographic or video equipment for use at the event is prohibited (sorry paparazzi!).


You may not post screen shots, photo, or distribute any copies of materials provided to you by Centric Software. You agree that any information, including technical or pricing information, you receive about Centric Software’s products or services shall be considered “Confidential.” You may only discuss such Confidential information internally within your organization for the sole purpose of considering the purchase of such products or services from Centric Software.

You shall protect any Confidential information in the same manner you use to protect your own highly confidential information, but no less than a reasonable amount of care to protect the secrecy and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential information.

Opt in

You hereby consent to receive emails from us for the information you requested or details about event, and/or email subscription you are registering for. As sad as we would be, you can opt-out at any time and our emails provide a link for doing so. You can also contact sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com to unsubscribe.

Terms and Conditions

Hey there – before we can grant you access, you need to agree to a few things.

You have requested access to certain materials, events and/or digital content which are restricted. In order to access and/or attend you agree to the following terms and conditions in addition to our privacy policy.


The requested materials, events and/or email subscriptions are intended only for current and potential customers. You hereby represent that you are a customer or potential customer of Centric Software. Competitors, including their employees and independent contractors, are strictly prohibited from attending such events. You flatter us by trying to learn more about us but we cannot let you for obvious reasons. No copycats allowed!

Event attendance!

If you are signing up for an event, we are holding a spot for you –now you promise to do your very best to attend! If unfortunately something else comes up and you can’t make it, you will try extra hard to let us know by contacting sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

No photography, recording or reproductions

You are not permitted to make audio/visual recordings, photographs of any event (online or in-person), any of our materials whether presented at the event or separately downloaded without our prior written permission. Photographic or video equipment for use at the event is prohibited (sorry paparazzi!).


You may not post screen shots, photo, or distribute any copies of materials provided to you by Centric Software. You agree that any information, including technical or pricing information, you receive about Centric Software’s products or services shall be considered “Confidential.” You may only discuss such Confidential information internally within your organization for the sole purpose of considering the purchase of such products or services from Centric Software.

You shall protect any Confidential information in the same manner you use to protect your own highly confidential information, but no less than a reasonable amount of care to protect the secrecy and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential information.

Opt in

You hereby consent to receive emails from us for the information you requested or details about event, and/or email subscription you are registering for. As sad as we would be, you can opt-out at any time and our emails provide a link for doing so. You can also contact sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com to unsubscribe.

Terms and Conditions

Hey there – before we can grant you access, you need to agree to a few things.

You have requested access to certain materials, events and/or digital content which are restricted. In order to access and/or attend you agree to the following terms and conditions in addition to our privacy policy.


The requested materials, events and/or email subscriptions are intended only for current and potential customers. You hereby represent that you are a customer or potential customer of Centric Software. Competitors, including their employees and independent contractors, are strictly prohibited from attending such events. You flatter us by trying to learn more about us but we cannot let you for obvious reasons. No copycats allowed!

Event attendance!

If you are signing up for an event, we are holding a spot for you –now you promise to do your very best to attend! If unfortunately something else comes up and you can’t make it, you will try extra hard to let us know by contacting sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

No photography, recording or reproductions

You are not permitted to make audio/visual recordings, photographs of any event (online or in-person), any of our materials whether presented at the event or separately downloaded without our prior written permission. Photographic or video equipment for use at the event is prohibited (sorry paparazzi!).


You may not post screen shots, photo, or distribute any copies of materials provided to you by Centric Software. You agree that any information, including technical or pricing information, you receive about Centric Software’s products or services shall be considered “Confidential.” You may only discuss such Confidential information internally within your organization for the sole purpose of considering the purchase of such products or services from Centric Software.

You shall protect any Confidential information in the same manner you use to protect your own highly confidential information, but no less than a reasonable amount of care to protect the secrecy and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential information.

Opt in

You hereby consent to receive emails from us for the information you requested or details about event, and/or email subscription you are registering for. As sad as we would be, you can opt-out at any time and our emails provide a link for doing so. You can also contact sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com to unsubscribe.

Conditions générales

Bonjour. Avant de pouvoir accéder à certaines informations, vous devez accepter les présentes conditions.

Vous avez demandé à accéder à certains supports d'information, événements et/ou contenus numériques pour lesquels l'accès est restreint. Pour y accéder, vous devez accepter les conditions générales suivantes en plus de notre politique de confidentialité.


Les supports d’information, les événements et/ou les abonnements à la liste de diffusion en question sont réservés aux clients existants et aux prospects. Par les présentes, vous déclarez être un client ou un prospect de la société Centric Software. Les concurrents, y compris leurs employés et leurs prestataires indépendants, ne sont en aucun cas autorisés à participer à ce type d'événements. Vous nous flattez en tentant d'obtenir des informations nous concernant mais, pour des raisons évidentes, nous ne pouvons pas vous accueillir... Les copieurs ne sont pas les bienvenus .

Participation aux événements

Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à un événement, nous réservons une place pour vous . Nous vous demandons donc de tout mettre en œuvre pour y participer . Si malheureusement vous ne pouvez pas être parmi nous en raison d'un imprévu, vous ferez tout votre possible pour nous en avertir par e-mail à sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

Pas de photographies, enregistrements ni reproductions

Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à effectuer des enregistrements audio/vidéo ou à prendre des photographies, quel que soit l'événement (en ligne ou en présentiel) ou le support d'information, qu'il soit présenté lors d'un événement ou téléchargé séparément, sans notre accord écrit préalable. L'utilisation de tout équipement photographique ou vidéo est interdite lors de l'événement (désolé pour les paparazzi).


Il vous est interdit de publier des captures d’écran ou des photos, ou encore de diffuser des copies des supports d’information qui vous ont été fournis par Centric Software. Vous reconnaissez le fait que toute information, notamment technique ou tarifaire, que vous recevez à propos des produits ou des services de Centric Software doit être considérée comme « confidentielle ». Vous ne pouvez discuter de ces informations confidentielles qu'en interne au sein de votre entreprise et uniquement dans le but d'étudier l'achat éventuel de ces produits ou services de Centric Software.

Vous êtes tenu de protéger les informations confidentielles de la même manière que vous protégez vos informations les plus sensibles. Vous devez par ailleurs prendre systématiquement les dispositions nécessaires afin de protéger le caractère confidentiel de ces informations et d'éviter toute divulgation ou utilisation non autorisée.


Par les présentes, vous acceptez de recevoir par e-mail les informations demandées ou les renseignements concernant un événement, et/ou vous acceptez de recevoir des e-mails dans le cadre de la liste de diffusion à laquelle vous êtes abonné. Même si cela serait regrettable pour nous, vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment en cliquant sur le lien prévu à cet effet dans nos e-mails, ou en nous écrivant à sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Sie haben den Zugang zu bestimmten Materialien, Veranstaltungen und/oder digitalen Inhalten beantragt, die beschränkt sind. Um darauf zuzugreifen bzw. teilzunehmen, müssen Sie den folgenden Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen sowie unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie zustimmen.


Die angefragten Materialien, Veranstaltungen und/oder Email Abonnements sind nur für aktuelle und potenzielle Kunden bestimmt. Hiermit versichern Sie, dass Sie bereits ein Kunde oder potenzieller Neukunde von Centric Software sind. Mitbewerber sowie deren Mitarbeitern und selbstständigen Unternehmern ist der Zugriff auf unsere Materialien, Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen oder das Anmelden für unsere Emails strengstens untersagt. Wir fühlen uns zwar sehr geschmeichelt über Ihr Interesse, untersagen aber jegliche Teilnahme daran.

Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen

Wenn Sie sich für einen Event angemeldet haben, reservieren wir Ihnen ein Platz für Ihre Teilnahme. Sollten Sie jedoch verhindert sein daran teilzunehmen, bitte wir Sie frühzeitig Sarah Thompson sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com darüber zu informieren und abzusagen.

Fotoaufnahmen, Aufzeichnungen oder Vervielfältigungen sind nicht erlaubt

Sie dürfen ohne unser vorheriges schriftliches Einverständnis keine Audio-, Video oder Fotoaufnahmen von jeglichen Veranstaltungen (online oder mit persönlicher Teilnahme) oder von bei der Veranstaltungen vorgestellten oder separat heruntergeladenen Materialien machen. Foto- oder Videoausrüstung für die Nutzung bei der Veranstaltung ist untersagt.


Sie dürfen keine Screenshots oder Fotos des Materials veröffentlichen und auch keine Kopien von Material in Umlauf bringen, das Centric Software Ihnen bereitstellt. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, über Produkte oder Services von Centric Software erfahrene technische Informationen oder Preisangaben als „vertraulich“ anzusehen. Ein Austausch dieser vertraulichen Informationen ist ausschließlich innerhalb Ihres Unternehmens im Rahmen zur Entscheidungsfindung für den Kauf von Produkten oder Services von Centric Software gestattet.

Behandeln Sie diese vertraulichen Informationen in der gleichen Art und Weise, wie Sie streng vertrauliche Informationen innerhalb Ihrer eigenen Organisation schützen und tragen Sorge über die Geheimhaltung, um eine unberechtigte Nutzung und Offenlegung zu vermeiden.


Sie willigen hiermit ein, E-Mails von uns mit den angefragten Informationen oder Details zu der Veranstaltung und/oder den Email Abonnements, für die Sie sich anmelden, zu erhalten. Sie können diese Einwilligung natürlich jederzeit zurücknehmen, auch wenn wir dies nur ungern sehen würden. Die E-Mails enthalten einen Link hierfür. Sie können sich auch an Sarah Thompson sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com wenden, um sich auszutragen.

Términos y condiciones

Antes de nada, tienes que aceptar una serie de condiciones.

Has pedido acceso a ciertos materiales, eventos o contenido digital restringidos. Para poder acceder a la información, necesitamos que aceptes los siguientes términos y condiciones, además de nuestra política de privacidad.


Los materiales, eventos y suscripciones al correo electrónico están dirigidos únicamente a clientes y potenciales clientes. Al aceptar estos términos, certificas que eres un cliente o potencial cliente de Centric Software. La competencia, incluyendo sus empleados y sus contratistas independientes, tienen estrictamente prohibido asistir a dichos eventos. Nos halaga que nuestros competidores quieran aprender más sobre nosotros, pero por razones obvias no podemos darles acceso. No se permiten imitadores.

Asistencia al evento

Si te has apuntado a un evento y ya tienes un sitio reservado, ¡esperamos que hagas lo posible por asistir. Si surge algún un imprevisto y al final no puedes venir, te rogamos que nos lo comuniques enviando un correo a sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

No se permiten fotografías, grabaciones, ni reproducciones

No está permitido realizar grabaciones audiovisuales ni fotografías de ningún evento (ya sea online o presencial), ni reproducir los materiales proporcionados durante los eventos, a no ser que cuentes con nuestro permiso expreso. Está prohibido usar material de fotografía o vídeo en el evento (Lo sentimos, paparazis).


No está permitido publicar capturas de pantalla o fotos, ni distribuir copias del material proporcionado por Centric Software. Cualquier información que recibas sobre los productos de Centric Software, incluyendo los datos técnicos o precios, se consideran "confidenciales". Solo puedes discutir dicha información internamente dentro de tu empresa, con el único propósito de estudiar la compra de los productos o servicios de Centric Software.

Debes proteger cualquier información confidencial de la misma forma en que proteges tu información más secreta. Hay que tener cuidado para mantener el secreto, evitar su divulgación y evitar el uso no autorizado de la información confidencial.

Lista de distribución

Has aceptado recibir correos electrónicos de nuestra parte con la información que has solicitado o con los detalles sobre el evento o suscripción para la que te estás registrando. Tienes la posibilidad de darte de baja en cualquier momento, a través del enlace que incluimos en todos nuestros correos electrónicos. También puedes escribir a sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com para desinscribirte.

Termini e condizioni

Prima di concederti l’accesso, ti chiediamo di accettare alcune condizioni.

Hai richiesto l'accesso a determinati materiali, eventi e/o contenuti digitali riservati. Al fine di accedere e/o partecipare, è necessario accettare i seguenti termini e condizioni e la nostra informativa sulla privacy.


I materiali richiesti, gli eventi e/o l’iscrizione alla newsletter sono riservati solo ai clienti esistenti e potenziali. Con la presente diventi un cliente o potenziale cliente di Centric Software. È espressamente vietata la partecipazione ai concorrenti, inclusi i relativi dipendenti e collaboratori. Siamo lusingati che tu voglia saperne di più su di noi, ma non possiamo permetterlo per ovvie ragioni. Ci teniamo a scongiurare ogni tentativo di imitazione.

Partecipazione agli eventi

Se ti iscrivi a un evento, noi ti riserviamo un posto e tu ti impegni a fare il possibile per partecipare. Se nel frattempo dovesse insorgere qualche contrattempo e non potrai presenziare, sei vivamente pregato di comunicarlo all’indirizzo sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

Niente foto, registrazioni o riproduzioni

Senza la nostra autorizzazione scritta non sono consentite registrazioni audiovisive né fotografie di alcun evento (online o in presenza) e di alcun materiale da noi presentato in occasione di un evento o scaricato separatamente. È vietato l'uso di macchine fotografiche o videocamere durante l'evento (ce ne scusiamo, ma non sono ammessi reporter).


Non è consentito pubblicare schermate o fotografie né distribuire copie del materiale fornito da Centric Software. Acconsenti pertanto a considerare come “riservate” le informazioni, tecniche o sui prezzi, riguardanti i prodotti o servizi offerti da Centric Software. Potrai comunicare tali informazioni solo all'interno della tua organizzazione ed esclusivamente al fine di valutare l'acquisto dei prodotti o servizi Centric Software illustrati.

Dovrai tutelare le eventuali informazioni riservate di cui verrai a conoscenza esattamente come quelle più confidenziali della tua azienda e in ogni caso adottare le dovute cautele per preservarne la segretezza ed evitare che vengano divulgate o utilizzate in modi non consentiti.

Inserimento nella mailing list

Con la presente accetti di ricevere e-mail da parte nostra in relazione a informazioni richieste, a dettagli sugli eventi e/o all’iscrizione alla newsletter. Per quanto possa dispiacerci, ti diamo comunque la possibilità di annullare la sottoscrizione in qualunque momento: in tutte le nostre e-mail è presente un link apposito. Per annullare la sottoscrizione, è possibile inoltre scrivere all’indirizzo sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com





アクセスを希望されるマテリアル、メール購読、また参加希望されるイベントは、当社製品ユーザのお客様と当社製品にご興味を持っていただいているお客様向けに提供しています。お申し込みをいただく時点で、Centric Software製品ユーザのお客様、またはCentric Softwareにご興味を持っていただいているお客様であることを表明したものとします。競合他社の従業員や競合他社から業務を請け負った方の、マテリアルへのアクセスやイベント参加、メール購読は固く禁止しております。不正な情報収集や情報の悪用は、固くお断りいたします。


イベントに参加登録いただいたお客様には、お席を用意してお待ちしておりますので、当日は必ずご参加をお願いいたします。もしご都合によりご参加いただけない場合は、事前に sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com までご連絡いただきますようお願いいたします。




Centric Softwareから提供したマテリアルのスクリーンショットや写真を公開したり、マテリアルを複製、配布することは禁止されています。技術情報または価格情報を含め、Centric Softwareの製品情報やサービスに関する情報は、すべて機密情報であることに同意いただいたものとます。機密情報は、お客様の社内でCentric Softwareの製品やサービスの購入についてご検討いただく場合にのみご利用いただけるものとします。 Centric Softwareの機密情報が無断で利用されたり、漏洩することがないよう、お客様自身の機密情報と同様に、取り扱いには細心のご注意を払っていただきますようお願い申し上げます。


ご希望される情報の提供、イベントの詳細情報の提供、メール購読のために、当社からのメールを受信することに同意いただくものとします。配信の停止を希望される場合は、配信するメールのフッター部分にある配信停止用のリンクから手続をしていただくか、 sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com までご連絡ください。

Termos e Condições

Olá –, antes de conceder o seu acesso, é necessário que você concorde com algumas coisas.

Você solicitou acesso a determinados materiais, eventos e/ou conteúdo digital que são restritos. A fim de acessar e/ou participar, você concorda com os seguintes termos e condições, além de nossa política de privacidade.


Os materiais, eventos e/ou assinaturas por e-mail solicitados, são destinados somente para clientes atuais e em potencial. Você, neste ato, representa que é um cliente ou possível cliente da Centric Software. Concorrentes, incluindo os seus funcionários e contratantes independentes, estão expressamente proibidos de participar dos referidos eventos. Ficamos lisonjeados que você queira saber mais sobre nós, mas não podemos deixar por motivos óbvios. Imitadores não são permitidos.

Participação no Evento

Se estiver se registrando para um evento, guardaremos uma vaga para você –mas prometa que fará o seu melhor para participar. Se, infelizmente, algo acontecer e você não puder participar, faça um esforço extra para nos informar, entrando em contato com sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com

Não são permitidas fotografias, gravações ou reproduções

Não é permitido fazer gravações áudio/vídeo, fotografias de qualquer evento (on-line ou pessoalmente), de qualquer um de nossos materiais apresentados no evento ou baixados separadamente sem a nossa permissão prévia por escrito. É proibido o uso de equipamento fotográfico ou de vídeo no evento (perdão, paparazzi).


Você não poderá publicar capturas de tela, fotos ou distribuir quaisquer cópias de materiais fornecidas pela Centric Software. Você concorda que quaisquer informações, incluindo técnicas ou de preços que receber sobre os produtos ou serviços da Centric Software serão consideradas “Confidenciais”. Você pode discutir as referidas informações Confidenciais somente internamente em sua organização para o único fim de considerar a compra dos referidos produtos ou serviços da Centric Software.

Você deve proteger quaisquer informações Confidenciais da mesma maneira que usa para proteger as suas próprias informações altamente confidenciais, mas não menos que uma razoável quantidade de cuidado para proteger o sigilo e evitar a divulgação ou o uso não autorizado dessas informações.

Opção de inclusão

Você, neste ato, concorda em receber nossos e-mails para as informações solicitadas ou detalhes sobre eventos, e/ou assinatura de e-mail para a qual você se registrou. Por mais triste que seja, você pode cancelar a sua inclusão a qualquer momento e nossos e-mails fornecem um link para isso. Você também pode entrar em contato com sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com para cancelar a assinatura.



您已要求存取部分限制級的資料、活動及/或數碼內容。除了我們的《私隱政策 》外,您必須同意以下條款及細則,方可存取這些資料及/或參加相關活動。


所要求的資料、活動及/或電郵訂閱資訊皆僅供目前及潛在的客戶所用。您在此代表您為 Centric 軟件的現有客戶或潛在客戶。競爭對手,包括其僱員和獨立合約員工,一律嚴禁參與該等活動。您意圖進一步了解我們無疑是對我們的肯定,但顯然我們不會允許競爭對手參與該等活動!謝絕抄襲模仿!


若您註冊出席活動,我們便會為您預留一席位,為此您承諾應盡己所能出席活動!若您不幸因事無法出席,您應竭盡所能透過 sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com 通知我們




對於 Centric 軟件向您提供的資料,您不得發佈屏幕截圖或相片,或散播這些資料的任何副本。您同意您所收到關於 Centric 軟件之產品或服務的一切資料(包括技術或價格資料)均應視為「保密」資料。您僅可在所屬機構內部討論該等「保密」資料,目標必須為考慮是否購買該等 Centric 軟件的產品與服務。



您在此同意收取我們的電郵,以取得您要求的資料或有關您註冊的活動及/或電郵訂閱的詳細資料。雖然非我們所願,但您有權隨時退出,我們的電郵中附有一條連結,可進行相關操作。您亦可以聯絡 sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com 以取消訂閱。





所请求的材料、活动和/或电子邮件订阅仅面向当前客户和潜在客户。您在此表示您是 Centric 软件的客户或潜在客户。严禁竞争对手(包括其雇员和独立承包商)参加这类活动。如果您欲加深对我们的了解,我们非常欢迎,但显然我们不能让竞争对手参加这类活动。我们也不允许效仿行为!


如果您报名参加活动,我们会为您保留一个位置 – 请您保证会尽力参加!如果因某些原因而无法参加,请尽可能通过 sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com 通知我们




对于 Centric 软件提供给您的资料,您不得发布屏幕截图或照片,或分发这些资料的任何副本。您同意,您收到的关于 Centric 软件的产品或服务的任何信息(包括技术或定价信息)都应被视为“机密”信息。您只能在考虑从 Centric 软件购买相关产品或服务时在您的组织内部讨论此类“机密”信息。



您特此同意接收来自我们的电子邮件,以获得您所要求的信息或您正在注册的活动及/或电子邮件订阅的详情。尽管非我们所愿,但您可以随时选择退出,我们的电子邮件提供了选择退出的链接。您也可联系 sarah.thompson@centricsoftware.com 取消订阅。